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Entries in Tech (36)


Takara Tomy Virtual Master Real with Augmented Reality

In addition to all the usual fishing sound effects, the camera in the Virtual Masters Real incorporates Augmented Reality technology. The AR camera modifies whatever location is in view of the camera, turning it into a fishing spot on the game screen.

LINK (Via: CrunchGear)


How to Tag a Fish Every 2.4 Seconds

The US government’s fish-tagging operations used to be a lot like its intelligence-gathering: slow, imprecise, and occasionally responsible for the torture and death of innocent subjects. No more. The Fish and Wildlife Service now uses AutoFish, a mobile system that employs sensors, cameras, and computer algorithms to inject microscopically coded tags into 60,000 fish a day—without removing them from the water.

LINK (Via: Wired)


The wind is your friend

Heading to Turks and Caicos for a little bonefishing and want to know if you should pack the kiteboard along with the fly rod? WindGURU is a service specialized for forecasting weather, mostly for windsurfers and kitesurfers (but not only...). Forecasts are based on data produced by weather forecast models. Windguru is able to deliver a forecast for any place on planet Earth to your desktop or iPhone.



A Sneak Peak from the SA Product Lab

Wondering if your shooting head is a 200 or 300 grain? Now you can just look at the SA ID.

As a result of Scientific Anglers mission to continually improve their fly lines, they are introducing SA ID at the upcoming International Fly Tackle Dealer Show. SA ID is a line marking system that allows you to identify your lines at a glance.

SA ID will appear on all of SA's premium lines, including Sharkskin and their new 2011 product line up. Word is the new 2011 line up includes a new textured fly line as well as a completely new and robust spey offering....stay tuned.



Screaming reel ringtones courtesy of Nautilus.

LINK (Via: Bonefish on the Brain)



With GPS capability to pinpoint your location on googlemaps and automatic date and time entries, it's never been simpler to log a catch. You can add as much detail as you like with options such as techniques, equipment, species, weight and length, fly type, hook size, season, weather, water type and water body... you can even add a picture. All the information is then automatically stored on your phone with the added option of being able to upload it to your account on the Whoppa website for safe-keeping. Find out more at Whoppa