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Entries in Tech (36)


Fishin' Hounds

My main man Pirate helped this one avoid the label of just another grip and grin.  Photo by good friend Josh Tarr (after applying a 1974 filter using the Camerabag app on his iPhone).


Water Widget

The RiverLevels widget provides an easy way to monitor the amount of water flowing in your favorite streams and rivers right from your desktop. LINK


48-Pound Rainbow: World Record or Genetic Cheat?

On September 5, Saskatchewan fisherman Sean Konrad caught a 48-pound, world-record rainbow trout. The fish came from Lake Diefenbaker, where trout genetically engineered to grow extra-big escaped from a fish farm nine years ago.

The previous world record was held by Sean’s twin brother Adam, who pulled a 43-pound, 10-ounce rainbow trout from Lake Diefenbaker in 2007. That catch sparked online debate over the legitimacy of Lake Diefenbaker’s farm-born, genetically-engineered rainbows.

The Konrad brothers’ response was curt: “Stop crying and start fishing.”

LINK (Via: Wired)


Cut the Carp

Wired Magazine reports on an effervescent acoustic barrier technology designed to keep invasive Asian Carp out of Lake Michigan.  LINK


So smart, they're now using Facebook

Here's a snippet of a recent facebook chat I had with this highly educated fish.  Our trip starts today.  Report upon return...


HAL, Open the Live Well Door

Now we can have virtual bass tournaments.

Coming this fall is "The Strike," a fishing game promising "realistic lake bottom topography, life-like fish behaviors" and more, and with it, this bait-and-tackle controller.

LINK (Via: Gizmodo)

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