It’s Time to End the Gar Wars

Matt Miller sets the record straight when it comes to the senseless and wasteful killing of a valuable native species.
LINK (via: Cool Green Science)

Matt Miller sets the record straight when it comes to the senseless and wasteful killing of a valuable native species.
LINK (via: Cool Green Science)
— 平坂寛 (@hirahiroro) August 29, 2015
A Bering wolffish.
An important message from the Deschutes River Alliance.
On Friday, September 4, the ODFW Commissioners will be voting on a large package of angling rule changes created to “simplify” the Oregon fishing regulations.
One of the rule changes calls for opening up kill on redband trout in the lower Deschutes River. Presently, there is a “slot limit” that only allows the take of 2 redband trout between 10 and 13 inches of length per day. The new rule would allow the taking of any 2 redband trout over 8 inches per day.
It would appear that the proposed change is a heavy-handed measure without biological benefit.
Our position at the DRA is that if the Commission wishes to simplify the angling rules, the easiest thing would be to do away with any kill of redband trout on the lower Deschutes by making it a catch and release fishery with the required use of barbless hooks. Now that would be simple! Easy to understand, no measuring of fish would be necessary, and it would be easily enforceable. Anything short of this deserves a deferral on decision-making to allow the public to provide input on rule changes.
You can lend us your support by emailing the ODFW Commissioners at:
We are hoping that the Commission will receive at least 1,000 emails from those of us who love the lower Deschutes River. Everyone who reads this needs to send an email. Help us meet a goal of 1000 emails by sending one today!
Do it now!
LINK (via: Deschutes River Alliance)
Here is a message from Bill Bakke on the same subject
ODFW wants you to kill Deschutes redband trout and steelhead smolts. Stocking of hatchery rainbow trout in the lower Deschutes was terminated in 1978 with the intention of managing the the lower 100 miles exclusively for wild trout. Spawning redband trout average 3 to 4 years of age and 12”-13”. These trout can live up to 10 years. In 1984, at my suggestion, the ODFW Commission and chief of the Fishery Division agreed to a 10” to 13” slot regulation that would protect steelhead smolts and the full age structure of Deschutes wild trout. The purpose of this regulation was to prevent anglers from keeping 3 -4 year old juvenile steelhead or high-grading their catch and killing the larger breeding age redbands. With the slot limit in place, most anglers do not fish for trout in the lower Deschutes for consumption, but prefer to practice catch and release regardless.
Now in the name of “simplified” regulations ODFW is proposing to allow a kill fishery on all trout greater than 8-inches (two trout limit per day). Even though the local biologists would prefer a catch and release fishery on trout, their Salem bosses want more license sales and less conservation. This regressive regulation can be stopped if YOU contact ODFW and redirect their misguided and selfish approach to management.
What could be more “simple” than mandatory catch and release of all trout on the lower Deschutes? Tell the Commission that you want a catch and release fishery on trout in the lower Deschutes River so that this unique and diverse population and the exceptional fishery they support can be protected.
The Patagonia Portland store will be hosting an evening with the Deschutes River Alliance on September 10th from 7-10pm.
Bloomberg Business takes a break from the latest in hedge funds and interest rates for a visit to South Andros.
In just a few more weeks, the first fish from New England will begin to appear in the waters off eastern Long Island.
And as soon as they do, the stories will start of hundreds of stripers floating dead on the surface, victims of trawlers that couldn’t, or couldn’t bother, to rein in their bycatch.
LINK (via: One Angler's Voyage)
"The whole top of the fish had a different green," said Randy Straker. "If you look at the mouth, it looked like green lipstick. It was so bright."
LINK (via:CBC News)