48-Pound Rainbow: World Record or Genetic Cheat?

On September 5, Saskatchewan fisherman Sean Konrad caught a 48-pound, world-record rainbow trout. The fish came from Lake Diefenbaker, where trout genetically engineered to grow extra-big escaped from a fish farm nine years ago.
The previous world record was held by Sean’s twin brother Adam, who pulled a 43-pound, 10-ounce rainbow trout from Lake Diefenbaker in 2007. That catch sparked online debate over the legitimacy of Lake Diefenbaker’s farm-born, genetically-engineered rainbows.
The Konrad brothers’ response was curt: “Stop crying and start fishing.”
LINK (Via: Wired)
catch of the day,
rainbow trout in

Reader Comments (17)
I wonder what the Vegans would say.
I would rather fish for Horn Nose
A trout is a trout...i give him the credit for that fact that he hooked and landed such a beast reguardless of where it came from or how it was engineered. That was an old fish, they don't get that big and live that long for being stupid.
I guess Barry Bonds is the best ball player too (until T1000's from the movie Terminator start playing the game).
Nice catch, but I'm skeptical of anything genetically engineered.
He can keep it....
Give me a nice Searun Cuttie, Au Natural, anyday!
Looks like a float tube trip to this lake is in order..
Float tube.. check.
12 wt... check
4/0 chronomid... check
It can be tested to see if it came from the genetically engineered group, or even if it's a decendant.
if its wild, its legit
but what is wild? i think an * is in order.
Hmmm, twin brothers catching world record rainbows. Sounds like a Nazi genetic conspiracy on both ends.
Who cares. It's a hell of a fish. Good for him.
genetic freak
Where's his Boga?
It's not wild if the damn fish are sterile. Did he catch it on pellets?
Record? Who cares...I think it sucks that fish are raised that way but what can you do? I do however know that there isnt one guy out there that wouldnt love to catch a fish that size, genetically altered or not!!! Farout! Still I'de rather go to the big AK to catch my big bows.
There's just a whole bunch of those fish getting fat up there! I wonder how much bigger they're going to get?
So what if it came from a genetic stock. How many browns and rainbows are stocked from hatcheries every year. This fish just happens to be in a lake that has tons of feed and can grow.
its a record no matter how you look at it.