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Entries in fly fishing writing (59)


Ode to a Wooly Bugger

Oh wooly bugger! Oh meatiest of the meat hooks, oh travesty of trout world, oh devilsh slithering snag. 

Read More  (Via: The Fiddle and Creel)


Nada Knot

A Hemingway parody by Ed Gilbreth in the Post and Courier inspired Hemingway's nephew to write in and share a parody he wrote called the Nada Knot.

He was a young man. He had gone twelve years without catching a fish on the fly. He had never fished with the fly. Now he had to face the knot of the fly. He had never done the knot. The old man always tied the knot. He wished the old man were here but he was not.

"Fish," he said, "you are a friend of the old man and he kills you. It is love, this killing. I cannot knot. If you cannot knot, you cannot truly kill your love."



Fly Fishing is a stickery business


The Unaccomplished Angler writes about something many of us can relate to.....the fly fishing sticker habit.



Norman Maclean and the Question of Craft

To some then, he is grandfatherly keeper of fly-fishing lore; to others he is a regional writer gone Oprah in the grave, with a blockbuster movie as a resounding epitaph. Such understandings of the author, however, cast shadows over the deeper currents that inform his approach to literature.

LINK (Via: Front Porch Republic)


The Matt Labash Fly Rod Buyers Guide

Matt Labash of “Fly Fishing With Darth Vader: And Other Adventures with Evangelical Wrestlers, Political Hitmen, and Jewish Cowboys,” fame has posted a little fly rod ditty in The Daily Caller.

As my fishing sensei/life coach, the Cool Refresher says (a name he insists I use in public to keep his true identity secret so he can continue fighting crime), a Pflueger Medalist looks like what your grandfather fished with, something he could strike a match off of to toast up a Lucky Strike after coming home from whipping the Nazis. If you don’t see the beauty of it, then you don’t see the beauty of America.

Read more: LINK

Catching but Not Releasing

Photo: Chris Hunt

Room for Debate is a section of the N.Y. Times opinion section that invites knowledgeable outside contributors to discuss news events and other timely issues. A recent discussion surrounding catch and release features a number of well known contributors including Patagonia Fly Fishing Ambassador Dylan Tomine.

Room for Debate welcomes feedback from readers, so please post comments.

LINK (Via: The N.Y. Times)