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Entries in catch and release (7)


Grande Ronde River steelhead fishing rules have a catch

Steelheading regulations regarding catch-and-release fishing in the lower Grande Ronde River are incorrectly published on page 68 in Washington’s 2015-2016 Sport Fishing Rules pamphlet.

Officials say the pamphlet neglects to show that fishermen, as in the past, must release all steelhead caught until the end of the year in the lower 2.5 miles of the river.

A Fish and Wildlife Department manager says a correction is set to be posted on the agency’s emergency rules web page this week to require mandatory release of steelhead in the lower river through Dec. 31.

LINK (via: The Spokesman Review)

The story also covers proper etiquette when it comes to fishing crowded areas on the Ronde....or any where else for that matter.


Welcome to Keepemwet

What is Keepemwet?

Keepemwet is about releasing fish in the best condition possible. It’s a motto for minimizing air exposure, eliminating contact with dry surfaces, and reducing handling. It’s a movement to empower anglers to take small, simple steps to responsibly enjoy and share fishing experiences. And it's conscientious companies, organizations, and anglers uniting to promote science-based progress and respect for our fish.



Now that's catch and release

How he did this without letting his massive steel balls drag him to the bottom of the ocean we'll never know.


Stripers for the Future: Striped Bass Catch and Release Roundtable 

A roundtable presented by Monmouth University featuring some noted angling and scientific experts.


There is 8 percent hooking mortality rate for striped bass caught and released by recreational anglers in the marine environment

John Tiedemann & Andy Danylchuk cover the proper care and handling of striped bass in the latest issue of On the Water  Given the vast amount of striped bass that are released every year (NY anglers released close to 1.5 million in 2011) proper handling is a critical component of the striped bass conservation effort.

LINK (via: On the Water)


31 1/2 Inch Cutty

Curtis Robinson caught a 31½-inch cutthroat trout at East Canyon Reservoir this spring.

The fish is a new Utah state record and it's the largest cutthroat trout ever caught and released in Utah.

LINK (The Salt Lake Trib)