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Entries in matt labash (5)


Ask Matt Labash: Killing fish vs. seeing hookers


Matt Labash on Chumming

Here’s another potentially heretical question. We chase stripers on the fly around Long Island, sight-casting when we can. But I’m considering trying something different. Anchoring up, chumming and running a sinking line with a bunker pattern through the slick. Like the yellowfin guys do in the Gulf. Is this an outrage to fly-fishing orthodoxy?

LINK (via: the daily caller)


If tying just the right shuck of Z-Lon onto your Sparkle Dun makes you feel one with the fish, by all means, follow your bliss  

          Biot BWO Sparkle Dun - Fly: Bruce Salzburg, Photograph: Hans Weilenmann

Matt Labash waxes poetically on fishing vs tying.

Because here, the fishing vs. tying debate rears its head again, this time under the favorite refuge of fishing snobs and scoundrels-entomology. The former (fly fishermen) always feeling guilty and inadequate if they don’t become the latter (fly tiers/bug experts). But to ask a very basic yet heretical question: why?

LINK (Via:The Daily Caller)


An Oprah Runs Through It

Matt Labash explains why Oprah must be stopped.

Good God in Heaven, is nothing sacred? I saw the same picture on Field & Stream’s Fly Talk blog. And not since they made us watch a slide show of partial-birth abortions at my Operation Rescue Father’s Day picnic have I been so disturbed by an image.

LINK  (Via: The Daily Caller)

Jim Treacher responds to Labash's column.

Ask Matt Labash how he's going to sell any books now that he's alienated Oprah. If Oprah doesn't promote your book you might as well not have written one.


The Matt Labash Fly Rod Buyers Guide

Matt Labash of “Fly Fishing With Darth Vader: And Other Adventures with Evangelical Wrestlers, Political Hitmen, and Jewish Cowboys,” fame has posted a little fly rod ditty in The Daily Caller.

As my fishing sensei/life coach, the Cool Refresher says (a name he insists I use in public to keep his true identity secret so he can continue fighting crime), a Pflueger Medalist looks like what your grandfather fished with, something he could strike a match off of to toast up a Lucky Strike after coming home from whipping the Nazis. If you don’t see the beauty of it, then you don’t see the beauty of America.

Read more: LINK