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Matt Labash on Chumming

Here’s another potentially heretical question. We chase stripers on the fly around Long Island, sight-casting when we can. But I’m considering trying something different. Anchoring up, chumming and running a sinking line with a bunker pattern through the slick. Like the yellowfin guys do in the Gulf. Is this an outrage to fly-fishing orthodoxy?

LINK (via: the daily caller)

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Reader Comments (2)

I don't know anything about stripers but fly fishing in a river some butt winkles do something called shuffling ( kicking up bugs from underneath the rocks, i.e. chuming ) which has an impact on the river bottom. But I see no environmental problems in what your thinking about. I think fly fishing is a method of casting an artificial bait, bug, fly to fish to get them to eat it. Your asking if it's ok to throw out stuff that attract fish to you, I'm not a judge. In Alaska in early season I watch closely for the birds and trout to make bait balls of smolt I run over there and throw my fly smack in the middle of it. So who am I to talk.

July 7, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJeff Montgomery

Well, considering Vince & Charlie used to chum the Letort with hoppers and beetles...who's to say?

July 9, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTomi

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