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Entries in fly fishing writing (59)


Sunday Reader: Trout Culture: How Fly Fishing Forever Changed the Rocky Mountain West

From beer labels to literary classics like A River Runs Through It, trout fishing is a beloved feature of the iconography of the American West. But as Jen Brown demonstrates in Trout Culture: How Fly Fishing Forever Changed the Rocky Mountain West, the popular conception of Rocky Mountain trout fishing as a quintessential experience of communion with nature belies the sport's long history of environmental manipulation, engineering, and, ultimately, transformation.



Seeking Purpose (and Smallmouth) at a Secret Vermont Fishing Spot

A GP contributor learns about himself as he learns to fly fish at an undisclosed location in Vermont.

LINK (via:Gear Patrol)


"On Fly-Fishing the Northern Rockies"

Anyone would be hard-pressed to find a pastime more emblematic of the western spirit than fly-fishing. Liberating, poetic, wild, soothing and inspiring, it pushes the boundaries of the mind. In essays ranging from introspective to ironic, angler authors Chadd VanZanten and Russ Beck distill the purest truths of fly-fishing into essential, often humorous rules of thumb. With kernels like "always tell the truth sometimes" and "all the fish are underwater," wade into the blue ribbon waters of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah to reflect metaphysically on these lines of practical wisdom.

LINK (via: Utah Public Radio)


Writers on the Fly #5

Tonight @ 7:00pm

Emerald Water Anglers in Seattle, Washington.

Featured Non-Profit
Backcountry Hunters & Anglers

With beer and goodies provided by Georgetown Brewing Co. and The Flyfish Journal.


Welcome to the new home of Syzygy Fly Fishing

Syzygy Fly Fishing promotes the writers and artists who put words and images to those moments in fly fishing we find difficult to otherwise relate.



Writers on the Fly #4