Dirtbag Diaries: Beyond the Lines

Maps. We’ve all studied them. Stuffed them into backpacks or the seatback pocket of our car. Maybe we’ve even been led astray by a map. But have you ever thought about the person who made that map? Or how that person might influence your initial impression of a landscape?
“A map is not a perfect representation of a landscape. It’s an abstract representation,” says cartographer Marty Schnure. Today, we have a story about a mapmaker, Patagonia Park, and the process Marty uses to create a map--a map that she hopes will connect you to a place.
Music: Road that Burned My Boots by Jahzzar • Asuncion and Dayanara by Health&Beauty • Neo Zen by Ketsa • Quasi Motion by Kevin MacLeod • Wake Me Up by Publish the Quest • Gone by Noush Skaugen
Most tracks provided by Mevio’s Music Alley and Free Music Archive. Additional music by Amy Stolzenbach.