Entries in lake trout (16)
The Battle to Save Yellowstone from Invasive Fish [Slide Show]

The National Park Service is scoring some victories in its fight to eradicate nonnative lake trout from Yellowstone’s largest lake.
Released by an anonymous angler in the 1980's lake trout have come to dominate Yellowstone Lake—sending native cutthroat trout into steep decline and wreaking havoc on this iconic ecosystem. Now, the National Park Service (NPS) believes its intensive gillnetting efforts are turning the tide against the invader
LINK (via: Scientific American)

The great Flathead fish fiasco

Everything you wanted to know about the debate over how to handle Flathead Lake's invasive lake trout.
LINK (via: The Missoula Independent)
“If you are concerned about those fish at the upper echelons, then release them”

The debate and fight against invasive lake trout in Flathead Lake continues.
Despite hearing some public opposition, the Montana Fish and Wildlife Commission voted Thursday to eliminate the lake trout “slot limit” on the southern half of Flathead Lake, a change that has been sought by the Confederated Salish-Kootenai Tribes.
LINK (via: The Daily Inter Lake)

Nov. 2013 SOTM Entry: Utah Laker

Justin Hamblin with a fintastic Utah mackinaw.