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Entries in Podcast (59)


Dirtbag Diaries: Beyond the Lines

Maps. We’ve all studied them. Stuffed them into backpacks or the seatback pocket of our car. Maybe we’ve even been led astray by a map. But have you ever thought about the person who made that map? Or how that person might influence your initial impression of a landscape?

“A map is not a perfect representation of a landscape. It’s an abstract representation,” says cartographer Marty Schnure. Today, we have a story about a mapmaker, Patagonia Park, and the process Marty uses to create a map--a map that she hopes will connect you to a place.

Music: Road that Burned My Boots by Jahzzar • Asuncion and Dayanara by Health&Beauty • Neo Zen by Ketsa • Quasi Motion by Kevin MacLeod • Wake Me Up by Publish the Quest • Gone by Noush Skaugen

Most tracks provided by Mevio’s Music Alley and Free Music Archive. Additional music by Amy Stolzenbach.


The Venturing Angler Podcast: Researching Species and Best Angling Practices with Dr. Andy Danylchuk 

Photo: B. Bennett

In the latest episode of The Venturing Angler Podcast, Tim Harden sits down with our friend, scientist and Patagonia Ambassador Dr. Andy Danylchuk. In the conversation, Andy touches on a range of subjects, from studying specific species such as golden dorado, bonefish, and giant trevally, to concerns about proposed regulations on fishing in the Bahamas.



The Dirtbag Diaries: The Modern Dirtbag 

In the golden days, dirtbags lived to climb. They didn’t work, have permanent addresses or sponsors. They ate leftovers off of tourists’ plates and slept in beater cars or in caves. They stayed in one place only as long as the weather allowed for climbing. Now, our modern world of fees, time limits and locked dumpsters has made it nearly impossible to live that way anymore. Dirtbagging is dying-- or at least that’s what some people claim.

LINK (via:The Cleanest Line)


Anchored with April Vokey

In this episode, Dave McCoy and April partake in an interactive conversation about the industry, Washington’s future, and the importance of wild steelhead.


Dirtbag Diaries Podcast: El Avalanchisto

When Matt McKee first heard about the position forecasting avalanches for Minera Pimenton, a gold mine in the Chilean Andes, it sounded like the snow geek’s dream job. But mere hours after his plane touched down in Santiago, Matt started getting hints that maybe he had walked into a situation that more closely resembled a nightmare: a den of avalanche paths, a mine full of workers who didn’t believe in avalanches and a country that looked for someone to blame if things went wrong.

LINK (via: The Cleanest Line)


The Dirt Bag Diaries Adventure 1000

It’s January. Time for The Dirt Bag Diaries annual Year of Big Ideas.

(via: The Cleanest Line)