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Entries in Conservation (940)


LNG Project Would Affect 'Grand Central Station' for Salmon

The proposed Pacific Northwest LNG project and related pipelines located at the mouth of the Skeena River in northern British Columbia would affect more than 40 different salmon populations harvested in at least 10 First Nation territories, according to a letter published in Science.

LINK (via:The Tyee)


Science journal letter highlights salmon vulernability

Simon Fraser University scientist Jonathan Moore has authored new research suggesting that a proposed controversial terminal to load fossil fuels in the Skeena River estuary has more far-reaching risks than previously recognized.

LINK (via:


Last-Ditch Plan Aims to Prevent First Drought Extinction of Native Fish 

Noah’s Ark supposedly provided shelter to animals from the rising floodwaters. But at a federal breeding site near Shasta Lake, Calif., the opposite is occurring: The tanks of Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery are providing refuge this summer for salmon nearly out of water. There, staffers are rearing the only insurance policy that the Sacramento River’s winter-run Chinook have against extinction: a living genetic bank of 1,035 baby fish, selected to reseed the population should it extinguish in the wild.

LINK (via:Scientific American)


Dead salmon, climate change and Northwest dams

Photo: Peteforsyth

Federal dam operators are breaking the law by allowing the Columbia River to reach lethally hot temperatures for salmon. Scientists report that 400,000 sockeye, 80 percent of the run, are dead or dying. Fishermen and conservation groups are calling on the Obama Administration to take action to stop the extreme river heat.

LINK (via: Columbia Riverkeeper)

Why has the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the federal agency in charge of salmon and climate science, refused since 2008 to analyze how climate change is affecting Columbia River Basin salmon, and how to reduce or buffer those effects? And why does Washington state support this inaction?

LINK (via: The Seattle Times)


Bahamas Conservation Update

An update from Bonefish Tarpon Trust on the progress that has been made on their collaborations toward science-based conservation of the Bahamas bonefish fishery.



Threatened fish take historic helicopter ride in Banff National Park

It’s only a three-minute ride, or a few kilometres as the crow flies, but it’s a historic move for both Banff National Park and the overall recovery of a species at risk.

LINK (via:The Calgary Herald)

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