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Entries in Conservation (940)


Welcome to Keepemwet

What is Keepemwet?

Keepemwet is about releasing fish in the best condition possible. It’s a motto for minimizing air exposure, eliminating contact with dry surfaces, and reducing handling. It’s a movement to empower anglers to take small, simple steps to responsibly enjoy and share fishing experiences. And it's conscientious companies, organizations, and anglers uniting to promote science-based progress and respect for our fish.



Because down in New Jersey, any fish is a good one as long as it’s dead…

Charles Witek explains why New Jersey is so often radically out of step with fisheries managers from the rest of the coast when it comes to conserving fish stocks.

LINK (via: One Angler's Voyage)


DNR move to sell prime spring ponds outrages trout anglers

Governor Scott Walker and his GOP legislature at work.

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources has identified more than 1,000 acres of state-owned land in Langlade County that could go on the auction block — a move that has angered trout anglers because the properties contain a cache of ecologically significant spring ponds with native brook trout populations.

LINK (via:The Journal Sentinel)


When Dams Come Down, Salmon and Sand Can Prosper

Photo: Andy Ritchie/National Park Service

When people urge the removal of dams they say are strangling rivers in the West, it’s usually fish they’re worried about. Studies of dam-removal projects show that migratory species like salmon respond quickly to improved conditions once a dam is removed.

But the removal of a dam on the Elwha River in northern Washington State — the largest such project in the United States — is demonstrating that there can be another beneficiary: the beach.

LINK (via:The NY Times)


Alaska raises concerns over possible mine activity in Canada

A provincial map showing the planned or potential mining activity in British Columbia is so pocked that Alaska Lt. Gov. Byron Mallott says it looks like it has the measles. It's the cluster of dots in northwest British Columbia — including a prospect billed as one of the largest undeveloped gold projects in the world — that has many residents across the border in southeast Alaska on edge.

LINK (via:The Idaho Statesman)

Learn more about the threats to the British Columbia-Alaska transboundary region at Rivers Without Borders.

Read more here:

Feds approved killing birds to save fish, despite warning it wouldn't work

Photo:Peter Wallack

In an effort to protect endangered salmon and steelhead the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service approved plans to kill double-crested cormorants nesting on an island at the mouth of the Columbia River despite internal research showing the plan wouldn't work.

LINK (via:Oregon Live)

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