Bellevue Fly Show

Heading down to FedEx to laminate this sign - then to the Fly Show to help man the Sportsman's Alliance for Alaska booth. The plan is to oppose all things Pebble.
Heading down to FedEx to laminate this sign - then to the Fly Show to help man the Sportsman's Alliance for Alaska booth. The plan is to oppose all things Pebble.
Special Film Screening of Redgold and Equilibrium
Friday Feb 13th 8:00 pm
Kick off the Portland Fly Fishing Show weekend with some amazing entertainment Friday evening. Celebrate the bounty of Alaska’s magnificent Bristol Bay, with two amazing films: Red Gold ( and Equilibrium (
What: Film screening
When: Friday Feb. 13th 8:00 pm
Where: Sierra Club 1821 SE Ankeny St Portland 97214
Who: Hosted by Sierra Club and Sportsman’s Alliance for Alaska
Admission: FREE!!!!!
Three Dollar Bridge from felt soul on Vimeo.
(Via: Way Upstream)
Felt Soul Media has produced another gem. Check out this 3 minute profile on 1% For the Planet,
an alliance of businesses that donate at least 1% of their annual
revenues to environmental organizations worldwide. Founded by Yvon Chouinard and Craig Matthews,
1% has grown to over 1000 members since it's launch in 2002 and has
donated nearly $42 million to approved environmental non-profits. This
particular film highlights the Three Dollar Bridge (Madison River)
project that was made possible by 1% funds. The two founding members
tell the story.
Music by Neil Halstead & Jack Johnson | Brushfire Records
Trailer introducing Ali Howard's historical attempt to swim the entire 610km length of the Skeena river in northwest BC to raise awareness for one of North America's wildest natural landscapes.