Tillamook Steelhead and Salmon Need Your Help

Logging on the North Fork of the Trask, looking NW across Hembre Ridge towards the Wilson River. How many clear-cuts can you count? This photo was taken last summer. Yet timber interests want to double harvest? Photo courtesy of Jeff Mishler
Oregon's rural counties, backed by the timber industry, have introduced legislation (HB 3072)to help them double timber harvest from the Tillamook & Clatsop state forests. This after state forest managers suggested a reduction of harvest due to unsustainable logging already underway.
You can help! Become informed by following this and that and thensome.
And, write letters in opposition to HB 3072 to these legislators:
Brian Clem, chair (Salem)
Arnie Roblan, past chair (Coos Bay)
IMPORTANT: all emails to the above should include a cc: to the Committee Administrator, Beth Patrino
Stay tuned for more. This will be a tough battle, but one worth fighting.