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Entries in Conservation (940)


Sign a Petition to Protect Wild Salmon 

Alexandra Morton is circulating a petition to get the Canadian Federal Government to start regulating salmon farms now that the BC Supreme Court has ruled that salmon farms are a fishery and a federal responsibility.

You can sign the petition here. LINK


Invasive species are greatest threat to Northwest salmon

Photo: Steven Nehl, The Oregonian

That's the conclusion of a new report from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Northwest Fisheries Science Center in Seattle.

This report argues the greatest threat to fish are non-native species like crappie or bass that can eat up juvenile salmon as the make their way downstream from their birthplace to the ocean.

LINK (Via: Oregon Live)


Endangered Alaska

Men's Journal's Daniel Duane goes deep into the Alaskan wilderness to see what’s at stake with the Pebble Mine project.

LINK  (Via: Men's Journal)


Combining pesticides makes them more deadly to salmon

Common agricultural pesticides that attack the nervous systems of salmon can turn more deadly when they combine with other pesticides, researchers have found.

Scientists from the NOAA Fisheries Service and Washington State University were expecting that the harmful effects would add up as they accumulated in the water. They were surprised to find a deadly synergy occurred with some combinations, which made the mix more harmful and at lower levels of exposure than the sum of the parts.

LINK (Via:The Mercury News)


The California Water Wars: Not a Conflict Between Fish and People

Dan Bacher dispels the myth that corporate water interests and their political allies would have you believe about preserving the Califorina Delta and Central Vallley rivers.

This is not an issue of "fish versus people versus fish," nor "fish versus jobs." The battle to save the Delta, the largest estuary on the West Coast of the Americas, really comes down to a conflict between a future based on sustainable fishing, farming and recreation or a future based on corporate agribusiness irrigating toxic, drainage-impaired land that should never have been farmed at the expense of Delta and Sacramento Valley farms and healthy fisheries.

LINK (Via:Truthout)


Utah House sinks stream access bill for second time

The bill went down this time by an even larger margin.

A bill that would define which streams on private property are open to public access sank for a second time in the House on Monday.

Lawmakers have been flooded with e-mails and phone calls, mostly from bill opponents.

LINK (Via: The Salt Lake Trib)