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Entries in skeena river (22)


LNG Project Would Affect 'Grand Central Station' for Salmon

The proposed Pacific Northwest LNG project and related pipelines located at the mouth of the Skeena River in northern British Columbia would affect more than 40 different salmon populations harvested in at least 10 First Nation territories, according to a letter published in Science.

LINK (via:The Tyee)


Science journal letter highlights salmon vulernability

Simon Fraser University scientist Jonathan Moore has authored new research suggesting that a proposed controversial terminal to load fossil fuels in the Skeena River estuary has more far-reaching risks than previously recognized.

LINK (via:


Animation of the Invisible Migration 

Each year hundreds of millions of tiny wild salmon smolts begin an incredible journey. These young fish swim as far as 600km's through the brown, swirling waters of the Skeena river to the sanctuary of the Skeena estuary.

Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they aren't there.



Take Action: Have your say and help protect endangered salmon runs!

From Skeena Wild:

Progress made in 2009 to protect and rebuild weak stocks of Skeena salmon, based on recommendations from the Independent Science Review Panel and harvest rules consistent with the Wild Salmon Policy, is now on the chopping block. DFO proposes to dramatically increase the mixed stock marine fishery despite scientific evidence that this increase will have serious impacts to already suffering wild sockeye in the Skeena.

Have your say and help protect endangered salmon runs!

It's not just the Skeena wild sockeye that would be impacted.

A fisheries watchdog group says the federal government's proposal to increase commercial salmon fishing this year puts pressure on endangered salmon stocks in British Columbia in the name of profits.

LINK (via: The Tyee)


Skeena Flies - 10 Patterns You Need

LINK (via:Pesqua Blog)


Petronas delays decision on LNG project 

Petronas has delayed making a final investment decision on plans to export liquefied natural gas from British Columbia, warning that estimated construction costs are too high.

The Petronas-led Pacific NorthWest LNG terminal proposed for Lelu Island has been budgeted to cost $11.4-billion, part of a $36-billion undertaking to ship LNG from the West Coast to energy-thirsty customers in Asia.

LINK (via: The Globe and Mail)

You may remember Petronas's engineering firm Stantec somehow left the Skeena off the early project description map.