A very important call to action from the Skeena Watershed Conservation Coalition.
The Skeena estuary is the ONE place that EVERY, single SALMON and STEELHEAD from EVERY stream, lake or tributary in the Skeena watershed goes.
The health and abundance of wild salmon depend on intact fresh and saltwater habitats.
The proposed Petronas Pacific NorthWest LNG development on Lelu Island, on the estuary of the Skeena River, would require massive dredging of areas that have been identified as critical to the health and abundance of Skeena salmon.
A study by the federal government in 1973, as well as recent science, confirms that altering or destroying these habitats will significantly damage the abundance and health of Skeena salmon.
This site was selected for industrial development without consultation with First Nations and Skeena communities.
Would you rather have wild Skeena salmon and steelhead or an LNG terminal? We can't move the salmon or their habitat, but we can move the terminal.