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Entries in Conservation (940)


TAKE ACTION - Protect Native Fish from the Jordan Cove Liquid Natural Gas Pipeline

An important call to action from The Native Fish Society.

Dear Wild Fish Advocates,

The Native Fish Society is asking you to voice your concerns over the proposed 230-mile Jordan Cove/Pacific Connector Liquid Natural Gas pipeline. This energy project would traverse over 400 different waterways in Southwest Oregon, including the Klamath, Rogue, Umpqua, Coquille and Coos Rivers on its path to the coast. 

Its 36” pipe would carry fracked liquid natural gas from Malin, OR to an export terminal in Coos Bay. Construction would require removing streamside forests and 5.8 million cubic yards of material (enough to fill nearly 200 Olympic sized swimming pools), which would be dumped in watersheds in the region.

Currently, the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality is accepting public comment as they weigh the impacts of the pipeline with their responsibility to protect Oregon’s water resources under the Clean Water Act. If these agencies determine that too much harm will result from the pipeline’s construction, they have power to halt the entire project by refusing to grant the necessary permits.  

Native Fish Society is asking its members and supporters to participate in this comment process because many threatened and sensitive wild, native fish species inhabit the watersheds in the path of the pipeline and would be negatively impacted including: Rogue and South Umpqua Spring Chinook, Oregon Coastal Coho, Southern Oregon/Northern California Coho, Oregon Coastal Steelhead, Pacific Lamprey, Green Sturgeon, Pacific Eulachon, Lost River Suckers, and Umpqua Chub.

Tell the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality why the Jordan Cove LNG pipeline does not represent the best public interest and your concerns about how the project would negatively impact water quality and wild, native fish.

Take Action Now!

Comment deadline: Friday, March 13. 2015


Exxon Mobil appeals $1 million penalty for Yellowstone River spill

Exxon Mobil Corp. has asked federal regulators to reconsider a $1 million penalty imposed against the oil giant over a 63,000-gallon crude spill into Montana’s Yellowstone River in 2011.

LINK (via: Fuel Fix)

Exxon Mobil's net income for the 4th quarter of 2014 was 6.7 billion which pencils out to over 50 million a day.


Feds Rule Oregon's Not Protecting Coastal Waters From Logging 

That's Jetty Creek on the right where K8 Taylor's community gets its drinking water. That is a perfectly legal buffer for a fish bearing stream....the logged areas including this wetland shown are sprayed with herbicides.

Hopefully recent action by the state and feds will prevent this type of timber management practices in the future.

A proposed Oregon Senate bill would tighten rules for aerial pesticide spraying on forest land and overhaul how the state responds to complaints of drift and exposure.

LINK (via: OPB)

Federal officials also say Oregon’s logging rules still don’t do enough to protect fish habitat and drinking water. 

LINK (via: Eartfix)


Because none of us want to live in a plastic sea

If this plastic bag looks like a jelly fish to you, what chance does a sea turtle have?

Plastic bags floating in the water are indiscernible from the jelly fish that sea turtles typically eat. Turtles, birds, and apex predators are particularly affected by plastic floating in our oceans.

Let's #KickPlastic together with our friends @CostaSunglasses.


Vote NOW!

There is still a little time left to vote for which organization deserves Conservation Alliance funding courtesy of Eddie Bauer.



Murkowski Threatens To Fire Park Rangers

Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) threatened to cut thousands of park ranger and natural resource management jobs across the country — including in her home state of Alaska — escalating an ongoing fight with the Obama Administration over its plans to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Murkowski, who has called the Administration’s recent plans to protect 12 million acres of wilderness in the Arctic Refuge a “war on Alaska,” is threatening to use her power as chair of both the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and an Appropriations subcommittee to reduce the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) 2016 budget.

LINK (via: Think Progress)