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Feds Rule Oregon's Not Protecting Coastal Waters From Logging 

That's Jetty Creek on the right where K8 Taylor's community gets its drinking water. That is a perfectly legal buffer for a fish bearing stream....the logged areas including this wetland shown are sprayed with herbicides.

Hopefully recent action by the state and feds will prevent this type of timber management practices in the future.

A proposed Oregon Senate bill would tighten rules for aerial pesticide spraying on forest land and overhaul how the state responds to complaints of drift and exposure.

LINK (via: OPB)

Federal officials also say Oregon’s logging rules still don’t do enough to protect fish habitat and drinking water. 

LINK (via: Eartfix)

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Reader Comments (1)

Maybe they should bottle and sell that water and see how many people want to drink it.

March 5, 2015 | Unregistered CommenterRR

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