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Entries in k8 (8)


This is Our Watershed

Help Kate and the Rockaway Beach Citizens for Watershed Protection get stricter regulations for aerial chemical spraying near homes, schools and watersheds in Oregon.

TAKE ACTION: Sign the petition

LINK (via: The Cleanest Line)


North Coast Oregon

Had the chance to hang with some great old friends, and a couple of new ones, last week in coastal Oregon. 

Pretty much heaven.


Feds Rule Oregon's Not Protecting Coastal Waters From Logging 

That's Jetty Creek on the right where K8 Taylor's community gets its drinking water. That is a perfectly legal buffer for a fish bearing stream....the logged areas including this wetland shown are sprayed with herbicides.

Hopefully recent action by the state and feds will prevent this type of timber management practices in the future.

A proposed Oregon Senate bill would tighten rules for aerial pesticide spraying on forest land and overhaul how the state responds to complaints of drift and exposure.

LINK (via: OPB)

Federal officials also say Oregon’s logging rules still don’t do enough to protect fish habitat and drinking water. 

LINK (via: Eartfix)


April Showers

The latest from K8 and Crump.

April belongs to us.  It’s our month; escaping the Northwest rains, diving head on into the sunshine of Baja, and burning our pale white skin.  Together we fish, devour tacos, and wash it all down with ice cold micheladas.  For the unitiated, micheladas are the drink of choice here in Baja.  A fresh key lime squeezed into a frosty glass filled with ice, clamato, spices, and topped with Pacifico beer….refreshing AND good for you.

LINK (via: Frigate Adventure Travel)


Steelhead to Roosterfish

Crump and K8, who are now basking in the Baja sun, reflect back on their steelhead season. 

LINK (via: Frigate Adventure Travel)


Casting for Conservation in Bristol Bay 

Some of our friends making the case for Bristol Bay.

Get your comments in to the EPA!