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Entries in frigate adventure travel (3)


January 2014 Slab of the Month Winner: Tarr Gigante

Congratulations to Mr. Josh Tarr with his absurdly stout Gigante taken on a recent trip to Isla de Christmas with Crump and K8 @ Frigate Adventure Travel.  Josh, my good friend, this is special for reasons many can't grasp.

Bearded photo bomb courtesy of Steve Maris.  No photo bomb from K8 - she be too damn sweet to do such a thing.


Friday Pin-up: Pursuit Anglers Edition

Minutes after delivering the dudes some fresh empanadas and ice cold micheladas, Garri promptly shifted her attention to seducing this fine cock fish.  One of many cool moments last week with Pursuit Anglers and Frigate Adventure Travel.

Photos by Kate Taylor.


April Showers

The latest from K8 and Crump.

April belongs to us.  It’s our month; escaping the Northwest rains, diving head on into the sunshine of Baja, and burning our pale white skin.  Together we fish, devour tacos, and wash it all down with ice cold micheladas.  For the unitiated, micheladas are the drink of choice here in Baja.  A fresh key lime squeezed into a frosty glass filled with ice, clamato, spices, and topped with Pacifico beer….refreshing AND good for you.

LINK (via: Frigate Adventure Travel)