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Entries in Conservation (940)


Frack this

The inmates are running the asylum

The Interior Department's long-awaited “fracking rule” designates FracFocus, an industry-funded data repository, as the mechanism for public disclosure of chemicals used in hydraulic fracturing at oil and gas drilling sites on federal and Indian lands. That public disclosure is required within 30 days of completing fracturing operations.

LINK (via: SkyTruth)

I'd personally like to know beforehand what cancer causing agents my friendly neighborhood oil company is planning on pumping through my water table.


Idaho river dredgers want it all in effort to snub feds

Rep. Paul Shepherd, R-Riggins, is sponsoring a bill, approved in committee and headed for a House vote, that says the state comprehensive water plan "shall allow for recreational prospecting and small-scale dredge mining without regulation, restriction, limitation or prohibition." It also exempts dredge miners from state laws prohibiting the alteration of stream channels, as well as state water quality requirements.

LINK (via: The Spokesman-Review)


Jewell vows to make energy development on public lands cleaner

My responsibility to my grandchildren’s generation is at the top of my mind with every decision we make. That’s why I’m determined to help make energy development safer and more environmentally sound in the next two years,” Jewell said Tuesday to a standing-room only crowd of energy lobbyists, and environmentalists at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC.

LINK (via:High Country News)


“The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated”

There is a misconception out there that the fight against Pebble Mine has been won....nothing could be further from the truth.

Sportsman's Alliance for Alaska Director Scott Hed reminds us that while Pebble may be down, it is certainly not out.


Help support the cause!

SSA is also currently running an on-line fundraising auction with new donated items being added everyday.


Extending north of San Francisco’s iconic Golden Gate Bridge, the sanctuaries will now be permanently off-limits to drilling

The Obama Administration has announced plans to nearly triple the size of two major marine sanctuaries off the coast of Northern California. After more than a decade of public comment and research by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuary will expand from 529 square miles to 1,286 square miles and the Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary will expand from 1,282 square miles to 3,295 square miles. Together, the two sanctuaries will be nearly the size of Connecticut. When combined with the nearby Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, a a stretch of more than 150 miles of coastal waters will now be protected.

LINK (via:Think Progress)


British Columbia’s recreational fishery is worth as much to the provincial economy as commercial fishing, aquaculture and fish processing combined

From the North Coast Steelhead Alliance.

Here is the new draft IFMP for the north coast salmon. Check out the “New for 2015′ section on page 13 and Section 7.5 ‘Skeena River Decision Guidelines’ on page 75.