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Entries in Conservation (940)


Plan aims to restore native trout to protected creek east of Yellowstone

Efforts to restore native Yellowstone cutthroat trout have made headlines in recent years, with a focus on reducing invasive lake trout in Yellowstone Lake, the largest body of water in Yellowstone National Park.

But a new front in the war against non-native trout could be developing just east of the park next year, if the Wyoming Game and Fish Department moves forward with a plan to create a safe harbor for Yellowstone cutthroats in the Shoshone National Forest.

LINK (via:Yellowstone Gate)


The Other Gulf Oil Disaster: Chronic Offshore Pollution 

Five years since the BP/Deepwater Horizon disaster began, Sky Truth highlights all of the other oil and hazardous material spills that have been reported in the Gulf since the BP spill was stopped in July 2010.


Including one well that has been leaking for over a decade!

In a letter Friday to Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson, Sen. Bill Nelson said it is "unacceptable" that oil is still leaking from the site off Louisiana's coast where an oil platform owned by Taylor Energy Company toppled during Hurricane Ivan in 2004.

LINK (via:The A.P)


Action Alert!! BTT Calls For Signatures in Support of Two Proposed Bahamian National Parks

An important action alert from Bonefish Tarpon Trust.

Proposals to create National Parks for habitat protection for Grand Bahama Island and Abaco are now on the desk of the Prime Minister of the Bahamas. We are asking you to support the efforts of our Bahamas collaborators - Bahamas National Trust, Friends of the Environment, Abaco Fly Fishing Guides Association, and the lodges and fishing guides on these islands - by making your voice heard.

Below are links to 2 petitions: 1 to support the Grand Bahama parks, one to support the Abaco parks. Please sign them both, and tell your friends about it so they can sign too.

Grand Bahama is home to three national parks managed by the Bahamas National Trust; The Rand Nature Centre, Peterson Cay National Park, and the Lucayan National Park. Unfortunately, the existing national parks in Grand Bahama do not protect critically important marine habitats, that are essential for sustaining fisheries and the livelihoods that depend on it.

Grand Bahamas petition

Help protect essential bonefish habitat in The Abaco Marls, Cross Harbour, and East Abaco Creeks; these proposed protected areas aim to protect the habitat while still allowing the public to fish there under current marine resources regulations.

Abaco petition


Trout Unlimited looks to make waves, again

A brief history of the Ferdinand Hayden chapter of Trout Unlimited and the recent efforts to revitalize the chapter.

LINK (via: The Aspen Daily News)


America's Most Endangered Rivers of 2015

The America’s Most Endangered Rivers® report highlights ten rivers whose fate will be decided in the coming year, and encourages decision-makers to do the right thing for the rivers and the communities they support. It presents alternatives to proposals that would damage rivers, identifies those who make the crucial decisions, and points out opportunities for the public to take action on behalf of each listed river.



More bad news for B.C.’s wild sockeye

Nations around the Pacific Ocean may have to cap the number of hatchery salmon they release if sockeye salmon runs are to return to sustainable levels, according to a new study.

The findings have implications for fisheries management and hatchery programs in Russia and Alaska that produce most of the five billion hatchery fish released into the Pacific each year.

LINK (via: The Vancouver Sun)