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Entries in lisa murkowski (4)


Murkowski Threatens To Fire Park Rangers

Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) threatened to cut thousands of park ranger and natural resource management jobs across the country — including in her home state of Alaska — escalating an ongoing fight with the Obama Administration over its plans to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

Murkowski, who has called the Administration’s recent plans to protect 12 million acres of wilderness in the Arctic Refuge a “war on Alaska,” is threatening to use her power as chair of both the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and an Appropriations subcommittee to reduce the Department of the Interior’s (DOI) 2016 budget.

LINK (via: Think Progress)


Pebble Meets Polley


The Mount Polley mine disaster has Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski talking out of both sides of her mouth. Murkowski is calling for greater oversight of Canadian mines while opposing any EPA action on Pebble.

LINK (via: US News)


Murkowski said she and her staff are still reviewing the EPA report

Profiles in courage.

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski said in a briefing with reporters that the state, and not the federal government, should decide the fate of the Pebble Mine.

Unlike her senate colleague Mark Begich, who now officially opposes the mine based on the EPA report, Murkowski opted to punt instead of staking out a position on whether Pebble should ever be built.

LINK (via: Anchorage Daily News)

Read more here: (via: The Anchorage Daily News)

The time has come to shit or get off the pot

Alaska Senator Lisa Murkowski calls out the Pebble management team for not yet releasing their proposed mine plan.

Read more here:


Pebble management comes back with, sorry Senator but the mine plan is too important to rush.