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Entries in fish in the news (543)


See you in court

The Wild Fish Conservancy, The Conservation Angler, the Federation of Fly Fishers Steelhead Committee and the Wild Steelhead Coalition have ramped up their efforts to prevent the releases next spring of hatchery-bred steelhead and coho salmon smolts during the ongoing $325 million Elwha River salmon restoration project.

The groups filed requests last week in federal District Court in Tacoma for a preliminary injunction and a partial summary judgment to prevent the releases, saying the plans should be reviewed for compliance with the federal Endangered Species Act, or ESA, and that they would harm species listed as threatened under the act.

In their request for an injunction, the groups want to halt a planned April release of about 175,000 steelhead smolts and about 425,000 hatchery coho salmon smolts from the Lower Elwha Klallam hatchery into the Elwha River, much of which is in Olympic National Park.

LINK (via: The Penninsula Daily)


Angler dies after fish gets stuck in throat

An angler choked to death on a fish after he made a bizarre bet with friends that he would hold it between his teeth.

LINK (via: The Independent)


Mmm-mmmm That is a tasty burger


Clear Springs, the world's largest producer of sustainable Rainbow Trout, has introduced an on-trend opportunity – Rainbow Trout Burgers. 

Made with 100 percent real Idaho Rainbow Trout, these burgers are packed with protein, gluten free and rich in Omega 3s for a heart-healthy alternative.

Rainbow Trout Burgers are perfectly seasoned with just the right amount of flavour, these burgers pair well with a variety of toppings, sauces and sides.


Bird Found Wearing Lost Digital Camera Around Its Neck with Fish Photos Intact 

A Canadian woman was driving through Saskatchewan back in September when she came across a cormorant standing in the middle of the road. Seeing that it was struggling, she got out of her car to take a closer look, and found that there was a silver digital camera hanging from the bird’s neck. After taking the camera off — or stealing the camera from the bird, depending on how you look at it - she took the gear home to investigate.

Once she had removed the SD card from the point-and-shoot camera and dried it out, she stuck it into her card reader to see if it was still readable. Lo and behold, there were 239 photos preserved on the card, with many of them showing a group of guys holding up big fish while on a fishing trip.

LINK (via: PetaPixel)


It is a surprise to many that wild rainbow trout still exist in San Diego County

The San Diego River Park Foundation, in partnership with San Diego Fly Fishers and other organizations supporting wild trout conservation, has launched a project to ensure the survival of the wild trout on Boulder Creek, one of two known creeks in the San Diego River Watershed which support the trout.

The San Diego River Park Foundation announced today that it has successfully completed a critical acquisition along the creek that has three pools where the trout were found.

LINK (via: East County Magazine)


Fish fry, anyone?

More then 300,000 lake trout haluled out of Yellowstone Lake this year.

That haul brings to more than 1.1 million the number of lake trout removed from the lake since they were first discovered in 1994.

LINK (via: National Parks Traveler)