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Entries in bull trout (37)


April Slab of the Month Entry: Bulltastic

Brendan Huerta took a break from the day to day at the shop to hit a local favorite bucket.  Not a bad decision Brendan.


Governor’s office chafes at treatment over bull trout


Idaho Gov. Butch Otter’s office is contemplating suing the federal government over its new designation of critical habitat for bull trout.

LINK (Via:The Idaho Reporter)


Nov. Slab of the Month: BC Bull Trout

From the inbox:

My name is Andrew Luu

This big BC Bull Trout was caught in the Kootenay Region floating a white wooly bugger. He took me for 3 massive runs downstream so I knew it was going to be a good one. After successfully dragging this bully back up stream, I finally landed what has ended up being my personal best Bull Trout.

Thanks for reading,



Sept. Slab of the Month Winner: Bull Trout?

Really?  Regardless - this is bull


Protection for bull trout habitat expanded in West

The Obama administration on Tuesday greatly expanded protections for waterways critical to the restoration of threatened bull trout, making it tougher for agencies to approve logging, mining and livestock grazing across a large swath of federal land in the West.

The final rule issued by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service represented a major expansion of the streams, lakes and reservoirs protected as critical habitat for the fish, primarily on federal lands in Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Nevada, and a reversal of Bush administration policy on endangered species.

LINK (Via: Business Week)


Sept. Slab of the Month Entry: More Bull

A couple weeks ago Matt Harrison had the chance to go up to MT/BC for some fishing. This one came somewhere along the way.