Governor’s office chafes at treatment over bull trout

Idaho Gov. Butch Otter’s office is contemplating suing the federal government over its new designation of critical habitat for bull trout.
LINK (Via:The Idaho Reporter)

bull trout,
fish in the news,
idaho in

Reader Comments (2)
Idaho has done a very good job of protecting bull trout without federal intervention thus far...
Nice try Lame-O... It was only govt intervention that forced Id to recover the Bull Trout in a limited portion of its natural range in the first place. Now they can do just as good of a job recovering them in a little more of their natural range. The Idaho Water Users Association and and groups like it have been the enemy of healthy rivers for too long. It is possible for varying interests to work together for the benefit of ranchers, farmers, sportsman, conservationists, and most importantly, wild rivers. Look to the Big Blackfoot in MT for a perfect example. It's time for IWUA to either get on board or get out of the way.