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Entries in bigfoot encounter (3)


Fly Fishing with Bigfoot

Go full screen and watch the dark spot in the brush on the opposite bank just above the angler's head.


Fish Related North American Primate Encounter of the Week


"We continued with fishing and not long after my friend noticed that it had finally moved on. We thought nothing more of it until I got the biggest scare of my adult life."

Read on here at BFRO

Also, unrelated to this story, there was a major stir in the ape-curious community about this recent alleged trail cam picture



BF Fishing Encounter of the Week: Nelson Lake, WI

"It sounded like a dog whining, so I stopped what I was doing to watch the woods to see if anything appeared. After a few seconds I saw a child scampering from the woods. I didn't get a very good look but the child had very thick brown hair all over it's body and was very small (human toddler size). It quickly showed itself then bolted back towards the woods.

I sat there in shock."
Read on at Bigfootevidence.blogspot