Entries in Kids (15)
Wetfly - Fly Tying with Kids and Family Video

A short and inspiring primer on getting kids hooked on feathers.
Along with fly fishing comes the pastime of tying flies as an art, hobby, skill, and relaxing meditation. Here, two young anglers tie the Wooly Bugger fly inside a vintage 1962 Cardinal Travel Trailer while talking about fly fishing, fish, and the outdoors.
The fly tying kit used is the Wetfly Ultimate Destination Fly Tying Kit now available on The Clymb and Zulily. (registration required)
Soundtrack: Footsteps by Nelo.

BF Fishing Encounter of the Week: Nelson Lake, WI

"It sounded like a dog whining, so I stopped what I was doing to watch the woods to see if anything appeared. After a few seconds I saw a child scampering from the woods. I didn't get a very good look but the child had very thick brown hair all over it's body and was very small (human toddler size). It quickly showed itself then bolted back towards the woods.
I sat there in shock." Read on at Bigfootevidence.blogspot

Francis wondered why Daddy never took him fishing with the guys

(Via: My Mom Made My Clothes)

July Slab of the Month Entry: South Africa Bow

If only we all could match the SOTM poundage of the fish to the angler age. Regardless, CJ's fish is a pig in any age bracket as well as in any hemisphere. Nicely done amigo!

Chronicles of a Fly Fishing Kid

Ty Hughes - The future of of fly fishing and a great breath of fresh air!
"I will probably seek a white collar profession, because if I became a guide my mom would probably beat me to death. So in hopes of my dream, this blog will get my young fly fishing career rolling." Read more about Ty at Chronicles of a Fly Fishing Kid