Fly Fishing with Bigfoot

Go full screen and watch the dark spot in the brush on the opposite bank just above the angler's head.
Go full screen and watch the dark spot in the brush on the opposite bank just above the angler's head.
"We continued with fishing and not long after my friend noticed that it had finally moved on. We thought nothing more of it until I got the biggest scare of my adult life."
Read on here at BFRO
Also, unrelated to this story, there was a major stir in the ape-curious community about this recent alleged trail cam picture.
If you're open to the concept, you'll want to download this audio interview on Overnight AM Radio. It's at least an hour long - download it on iTunes and listen to it in the car on your next fishin' mission.
July 3rd, 2010
"Overnight AM producers have been contacted by a man claiming to have found Bigfoot living in his backyard somewhere in North America ( Location: Confidential ). The evidence is substantial based on eyewitness testimony of a man whose life has been turned upside down by the creatures, a family of four; two adults and two infants, who bed down in his backyard every evening."