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Entries in asian carp (52)


The "fishing" for invasive species equivalent of an episode of Jackass

Asian Carp. They fly. They're dangerous. They're a menace. And one weekend out of every year the world descends on Bath, Illinois, to eradicate as many of their invasive species as possible. In this wild and rockin' episode, watch the fun guys sweat, bleed, drink and fight their way through training in preparation for the Redneck Fishing Tournament.


If You Can't Beat Em? Eat Em

Illinois Guv Pat Quinn just signed an agreement yesterday to send as much as 30 million pounds of Asian carp to China.

LINK (Via: JS On-line)


Tastes Like Didymo

We've got good news and bad news....

The good news? Invasive mussels in the Great Lakes might keep invasive carp from establishing sustaining populations.

The bad news? Invasive carp might be able to live on mussel shit.

Duane Chapman, a U.S. Geological Survey biologist and Asian carp expert, says the fish are remarkably resourceful at scrounging up meals. He says they likely could feast on the fields of cladophora covering the lake bottom, and they may even be able to sustain themselves on mussel excrement.

LINK (Via: JS Online)


You Might Be a Redneck If.....

Actually, scratch the might be part.

NSFW Language

"Yeah, don't shoot a hole in the boat."


Asian Crap

After reading the latest Asian Crap Carp news on the Chum, Patrick Ross found himself needing more.  During his search he was directed here:


Uh Oh

An Asian carp was found for the first time beyond electric barriers meant to keep the voracious invasive species out of the Great Lakes, state and federal officials said Wednesday, prompting renewed calls for swift action to block their advance.

Commercial fishermen landed the 3-foot-long, 20-pound bighead carp in Lake Calumet on Chicago’s South Side, about six miles from Lake Michigan, according to the Asian Carp Regional Coordinating Committee.

LINK (Via: Science News)