The "fishing" for invasive species equivalent of an episode of Jackass

Asian Carp. They fly. They're dangerous. They're a menace. And one weekend out of every year the world descends on Bath, Illinois, to eradicate as many of their invasive species as possible. In this wild and rockin' episode, watch the fun guys sweat, bleed, drink and fight their way through training in preparation for the Redneck Fishing Tournament.

asian carp,
fish video in
Film and Video

Reader Comments (10)
kinda like "Waynes World".. Can't find a reason why it's good
bur it's entertaining
I don't know, I think its pretty bad. Their spread is inevitable and in 20 years we'll all be flyfishing for them and loving them like the Common Carp. Not to mention I'd hate to be the shore fisherman who decides to fish that section of riverbank the next day. Stinky and wasteful.
I got a good laugh outa that one! I couldn't stop watching even if I tried. Hell, I might even put that on my bucket list! Looks pretty damn fun.........
Bit sad though that if a trout or a bonefish is put down on the ground for a photo people usually cry outrage, but when a carp is thrown on the ground, still gasping for air, it is called fun. What a bunch of utter retards in the movie. Not much respect for animals even if they are a menace, just have th f*cking descency to put them out of their missery if culling them is the motive
that was just plain funny
that first dude talking is drunk as hell. Red neck fun sure is entertaining to watch.
That was pretty funny. Add guns and some fire and it could have been epic.
I am not sure I understand what is funny about this. A bunch of idiots drinking excessively until they puke, then being encouraged to keep on drinking, all on the premise of killing an invasive spp. for fun. I agree with 'Asian Carp', if you are going to cull then do it as humanely as possible. Showing a lack of respect for the life of those carp (regardless of the fact that they are invasive), only further demonstrates their true character.
As a side note, how many of those beer cans and boxes, cigarette butts and other trash from these morons ended up in the river?
This video ALMOST has it all, jiggly moobs, muffin top, busch and dead kennedy's t-shirts. Everybody knows that Jello Biafra and the scent of vomit is the most effective asian carp attractant there is. The only thing this video lacks is the good ol scattergun
I found that video deplorable for arrogance and disrespect. No beer, even Keystone Lite, should be so carelessly consumed. There was unnecessary spillage everywhere. And the chugging was amateurish at best... allowing it to run down your cheeks without ever an opportunity to cross the taste buds. And then to smash the cans and simply toss them in the back of your truck like some used up old girlfriend? Have some decency I say!!