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Entries in Take Action (21)


Keep wild steelhead wet! 

Infographic courtesy of Rich Simms

Wild winter steelhead enter our coastal rivers in a more mature condition and closer to spawn timing with fish sometimes caught within hours to days of freshwater entry or in their holding and spawning areas. This vulnerable condition makes them susceptible to loss in fry production by improper handling practices and exposure to air. Let’s work together to reduce our impact by keeping wild steelhead underwater.

Download the full-size image HERE.


Meanwhile on the Olympic Peninsula...

The retention of wild steelhead continues. Take a minute and ask yourself why it's so important for some to keep this up.


The Fight Goes On!

Save the Tarpon has launched a gofundme appeal so they can contnue their fight against a SLAPP lawsuit filed by the PTTS.



With striped bass, another (expletive)-show @ ASMFC

Captain John McMurray with a blunt assessment of the current state of affairs when it comes to the ASMFC's management of striped bass stocks.

It ain't pretty.

LINK (via: Reel-Time)


Striped Bass Cooperative Anglers Program

New York State would like your help.

Here's a chance for recreational anglers to participate in a fishery research project on its most important level, that of data collection for the DEC Striped Bass Cooperative Anglers Program (SBCA).

LINK (via:Surfcaster's Journal)


Comments sought on removing Glacier National Park lake trout

Photo: USFWS Mountain Prairie

Glacier National Park is home to approximately one-third of the nation’s bull trout population that lives in natural, undammed lake systems.

That gives the park a critical role in regional bull trout recovery and long-term conservation, according to Glacier management assistant Denise Germann.

To that end, proposals to continue lake trout suppression on Quartz Lake and start lake trout removal on Logging Lake are now available for public review and comment.

LINK (via: The Missoulian)

Comments on the environmental assessment are due Jan. 22.