Underwater War: Killing lake trout to save cutthroat in Yellowstone Park

A detailed overview of fight against lake trout in Yellowstone Lake.
The lake trout program on Yellowstone Lake is one of the biggest suppression efforts in the country — perhaps only work on the Great Lakes to decrease lamprey is larger, Koel said.
It is believed if 50 percent of the lake trout population can be removed each year for six consecutive years, the population can be managed at a much lower cost, said Ken Barrett, native fish campaign manager with the Yellowstone Park Foundation.
LINK (via: Yellowstone Gate)

Reader Comments (2)
While they're at it, they can rotenone the Gallatin and get rid of the invasive brown trout.
hit the water in spring at ice-out, start slingin' meat, and kill every laker you catch! easy!