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Entries by El Guapo (8676)


The Chase: a tiny film

Honestly, we went to Iceland to catch big fish. It was that simple. We wanted to bask in the late Arctic sun while bringing a dreamy meter long Atlantic salmon to hand. We wanted to drink whiskey afterwards, go to bed and do it again everyday we could. What surprised us wasn’t our ability to check the aforementioned mission off the list, it was the insignificance that those goals held compared to what we ACTUALLY discovered. The Chase: a tiny film is an ode to the friendships and experiences shared while chasing our passions.

The Chase is a short film that we feel encapsulates the most important part of us going to Iceland last summer. Yes, we made a 45 minute film and a festival edit that has toured the globe but this minute and a half is the soul of what we did and discovered. This is exactly what we’d like to share with you

Read the full story on The Cleanest Line


Man Catches Furry Trout

Photo credit: George Weber

In the Great Lakes, legend says trout grew coats of fur to stay warm in the cold depths. In the Colorado River, folklore says it was because of hair tonic being dumped in the water. In Iceland, they are a scourge sent to punish humankind for their wicked ways.

As fantastic as it sounds, it turns out the mythical fur-bearing trout is no jackalope – they actually exist.

LINK (via:Cult of Weird)


“I, personally, think we won’t fly far,” Becker said

Five Montana State University students are headed to the Red Bull Flugtag event in Portland, on Aug. 1 to show off their homemade, fish-shaped, man-powered aircraft.

LINK (via: The Bozeman Daily Chronicle)


Fillet Oh Fish

Everybody agrees that fish is healthy. In 40 years, its global consumption has doubled. Each year, the market needs to find more fishes and new ways of production. Where does the fish of our daily sushi come from? How is it fed? In which water does it live? A dramatic investigation about healthy food...or maybe not?


2015 International Grand Isle Tarpon Rodeo

The oldest fishing tournament in the United States is also one of the lamest.



Threatened fish take historic helicopter ride in Banff National Park

It’s only a three-minute ride, or a few kilometres as the crow flies, but it’s a historic move for both Banff National Park and the overall recovery of a species at risk.

LINK (via:The Calgary Herald)