Local artist creates monster trout

Artist John Sousa is finding a way to recycle dead trees in a unique way. Recently he carved a 7-foot-tall brown trout from a 70-foot cottonwood tree.
LINK (via: The Mountain Mail)

Artist John Sousa is finding a way to recycle dead trees in a unique way. Recently he carved a 7-foot-tall brown trout from a 70-foot cottonwood tree.
LINK (via: The Mountain Mail)
Duluth artist Dean Kegler has won the 2016 Minnesota Department of Natural Resources trout and salmon stamp contest with a painting of a brown trout.
The painting was selected by judges from among 12 submissions for the annual contest.
In Ghana, a popular fisherman was buried in a fish casket.
The fantasy or figurative coffins from Ghana, are functional coffins made by specialized carpenters in the Greater Accra Region in Ghana. These colourful objects are not only coffins, but considered real works of art.
Five Montana State University students are headed to the Red Bull Flugtag event in Portland, on Aug. 1 to show off their homemade, fish-shaped, man-powered aircraft.
LINK (via: The Bozeman Daily Chronicle)