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Entries by El Guapo (8676)


Shop Trip 2015 

Every year the Western Rivers staff shuts down shop for 2 days of fishing together. Here is the video recap; a fun reminder that fly fishing may not always give what you want, but will always give what you need.


TAKE ACTION: Vote for Puget Sound wild steelhead gene banks

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife is currently accepting comments on selecting “Wild Steelhead Gene Banks” in three Puget Sound Regions: (1) North Cascades, (2) Central/South Puget Sound and (3) Hood Canal and Strait of Juan de Fuca.

If you care about wild steelhead, please vote today.

Comments must be received no later than 5p.m. Pacific time on August 13, 2015.


Fly Fishing with Bigfoot

Go full screen and watch the dark spot in the brush on the opposite bank just above the angler's head.


International Fly Fishing Fair this week in Bend

The International Fly Fishing Fair is happening this Thursday through Saturday in Bend, Oregon.



Emergency closure of recreational fishing in most Olympic National Park rivers and streams

The beat goes on.

To protect fish during the ongoing severe drought conditions, an emergency closure of recreational fishing goes into effect today on most rivers and streams within Olympic National Park.

Current conditions have made Pacific salmon, steelhead and bulltrout exceptionally vulnerable because of low stream flows and high water temperatures.

The following river systems within Olympic National Park will close to all recreational fishing on Aug. 10: Bogachiel, South Fork Calawah, Sol Duc, North Fork Sol Duc, Dickey, Queets, Salmon, Quinault, and North Fork Skokomish Rivers (including East and North Forks) and their tributaries and Cedar, Goodman, Kalaloch, and Mosquito Creeks in the Pacific coastal area.

LINK (via: Peninsula Daily)


North Carolina's first-ever tarpon on fly

Photo: Albert kok

A fisherman caught and released what is being heralded as the first tarpon confirmed to have been caught on fly-fishing tackle in North Carolina waters.

LINK (via: North Carolina Sportsman)