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Entries in wading shoes (2)


Alaka Bans Felt Sole

The Alaska Board of Fisheries has adopted a statewide ban on felt sole wading shoes beginning January 1, 2012.

Ted Williams has posted the TU press release applauding the move.

Because the ban is now statewide the Southeast Alaska ban on felt has been delayed until 2012 to coincide with the statewide measure.

Maybe the last sentence of TU the press release should me amended?

Between now and when the statewide prohibition on felt sole takes effect, TU urges anglers to always inspect, clean and dry their all fishing gear as a way to prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species.

Gives me the impression that once the ban takes effect there is no need to clean dry and inspect.


"Just because you eschew felt, does not make you some sort of environmental hero." 

That's the money quote from Monday's Phil Monahan's Fine Lines column on MidCurrent. We would add that just because your company made the choice to only offer sticky rubber does not make you some sort of enviro friendly brand.

The issue of invasive species transport is much more complex than one's sole choice. As Phil points out, clean dry and inspect is the critical step that anglers can take to help prevent the spread of invasive species........and don't forget to clean dry and inspect the dog, the drift boat, the trailer, the anchor line or anything else that was in the water.