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Entries in midcurrent (2)


Fish Schtick Episode 51 – Marshall Cutchin

A real treat having Marshall on the show.

If you believe his Facebook profile, Marshall Cutchin “Learned all he knows from permit. And a couple of trout. And maybe a bass or two.” He’s the man behind MidCurrent, the largest fly fishing website in the world. Or, as they put it, MidCurrent is an independent provider of fly fishing news, literature and advice. We are experienced anglers and guides who enjoy helping others learn. Marshall is the man who makes it all happen, to the delight of millions of fly anglers around the world.

LINK (Via Mauro Media)


"Just because you eschew felt, does not make you some sort of environmental hero." 

That's the money quote from Monday's Phil Monahan's Fine Lines column on MidCurrent. We would add that just because your company made the choice to only offer sticky rubber does not make you some sort of enviro friendly brand.

The issue of invasive species transport is much more complex than one's sole choice. As Phil points out, clean dry and inspect is the critical step that anglers can take to help prevent the spread of invasive species........and don't forget to clean dry and inspect the dog, the drift boat, the trailer, the anchor line or anything else that was in the water.