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Entries in take action (69)


Stop Stanford University’s flawed Habitat Conservation Plan

A very important action alert from Beyond Searsville Dam.

Federal wildlife officials are poised to finalize Stanford University's deeply flawed Habitat Conservation Plan, a move that would compromise the health of San Francisquito Creek and San Francisco Bay, while posing new flooding and Searsville Dam safety concerns. Adoption of this 50-year plan, and associated federal permits to allow Stanford to incidentally harm and kill endangered species like steelhead trout, would be a major setback for ongoing watershed planning efforts to implement comprehensive habitat restoration and improve regional flood protection.


Please click here to sign the online petition and submit your comment today


Act now to protect BC’s Sacred Headwaters

In 2008, the B.C. government placed a moratorium on fracking plans for coal bed methane in the Sacred Headwaters. This remarkable region is the shared birthplace of three of B.C.’s great wild salmon rivers: the Skeena, Nass and Stikine.

The government moratorium on coalbed methane drilling in B.C.'s Sacred Headwaters is set to expire tomorrow.



You Can Help Restore Menhaden

Recent evidence shows that menhaden stocks are down 88% in the last 25 years, from 160 billion to 20 billion fish. "The most important fish in the sea” has been put through more than 50 years of overfishing.

Omega Protein, a Texas-based company, is responsible for more than 80% of the Atlantic menhaden harvest. The company uses spotter planes and large purse seines to net schools of menhaden in the Chesapeake Bay and in Atlantic federal waters.  Omega Protein grinds its catch into meal and oil, and sells it as an inexpensive commodity, primarily to fish farming operations in Europe and Asia.

Omega Protein has been doing everything it can to prevent the implementation of a total allowable catch and a rebuilding effort. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, they maintain that menhaden are merely suffering from poor recruitment – their half billion pound harvest has nothing to do with it.

Don’t let them get away with it!

The stock is at a record low. Take action to help restore the Atlantic menhaden population to sustainable levels.

Submit your comments directly to the ASMFC by clicking here.

(via: Menhaden Defenders)


Don't Let the Chattahoochee Run Dry

Photo: Carl Donohue

The Chattahoochee River, that flows through Atlanta, recently made the list of America’s Most Endangered Rivers®. Patagonia is helping shine a national spotlight on two boondoggle dam/reservoir proposals that are far too expensive and would harm clean water supplies, recreation, an outstanding trout fishery and wildlife habitat.

Take action and urge the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to deny permits for these dams and reservoirs.



Save the Tarpon

Save the Tarpon opposes, and is calling for the immediate termination of, the Professional Tarpon Tournament Series (PTTS) in Boca Grande, Florida.

Our opposition stems from the destructive, unethical fishing practices and unsportsmanlike conduct promoted by this for-profit fishing tournament and television show.  The disruptive fishing methods endorsed by the PTTS and employed by it’s participants are causing the tarpon to change their movement, feeding, and spawning behaviors. Behaviors which had, until now, been unchanged for thousands of years. The change in these patterns has already deteriorated the quality of the fishery.

Take a moment and sign the petition to call for the immediate termination of the Professional Tarpon Tournament Series (PTTS). 

Mill, Pallot, Ault, McGuane and Kreh are just a few of the saltwater fly fishing notables who have added their names to the petition.

Save the Tarpon is also mobilizing a boycott of all PTTS sponsors and affiliates.


Wild Fish on the McKenzie Need Your Help

Help support ODFW district bio Jeff Ziller’s proposal to limit bait fishing from Hendricks Bridge to Belinger landing by writing a letter of support.

LINK (via: The Caddis Fly: Oregon Fly Fishing Blog)

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