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Entries in sasquatch sightings (4)


T-Shirt of the Week

Squatch wades without studs. He quietly glides through the rivers and forests with a Ninkasi brew, a hybrid 7wt and an old school creel.

LINK (via: The Caddis Fly)


BFRO Encounter of the Week: Gobble Hunting Edition


"At first I thought it was a hunter in a ghillie suit. But upon closer examination I realized this was no human wearing a camo outfit. It continued to walk up right on two feet down the valley towards my right. When the creature got to the bottom of the hill out cropping I was sitting on it stopped dead in its tracks and remained perfectly still momentarily. I think it was as this point I truly realized what I was seeing."  Read more about this sighting at


Fish Related Encounter of the Week: Mangrove Skunk Ape


"It took 3 steps, turned sideways and looked at us over it's shoulder for another 10 sec, then walked into the mangroves. The pilot said that was a F(*& sasquatch! It was apx. 6/7 ft tall, long reddish brown hair, and was built like a side by side fridge, very square."  Read more here at BFRO


Fish related encounter of the week: Wild Cat Creek

"I spotted a large, blackish-brown thing in the creek. I thought it was a bear til it looked up and I saw its face. I stood still and waiting to see what would happen. Then thing looked back down. Then to my left front a loud screaming grunt and the sound of limbs breaking scaired the sh** out of me!"

Read more here at