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BFRO Encounter of the Week: Gobble Hunting Edition


"At first I thought it was a hunter in a ghillie suit. But upon closer examination I realized this was no human wearing a camo outfit. It continued to walk up right on two feet down the valley towards my right. When the creature got to the bottom of the hill out cropping I was sitting on it stopped dead in its tracks and remained perfectly still momentarily. I think it was as this point I truly realized what I was seeing."  Read more about this sighting at

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Reader Comments (2)

That's crazy. Interesting how when it stopped moving the guy lost track of it and said it disappeared!

August 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAC

Did not mention what drugs the guy was taking...

August 21, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterhillary clinton

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