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Entries in quality waters (3)


Lure of local angling catches up with hoser

An American caught pretending to be a B.C. resident while fishing for steelhead in the Skeena region has been barred from fishing in the province and heavily fined after pleading guilty to three counts of making false statements to obtain B.C. resident angling licences.

Quality Waters debate ensues in the comments.

LINK (via: Terrace Standard)


Waiting for the Ministry

The long-awaited ministry response to the Skeena Quality Waters working groups recommendations should be in by the end of January, from the promised November 2009 publish date.

LINK (Via: Houston Today)


New Quality Waters Recommendations

The Working Group has released new recommendations from the latest phase of the BC's Skeena Angling Management Plan.

Piscatorial Pursuits has a forum thread that covers the pertinent changes.

If you want to read the latest group recommendations for yourself you can download the PDF.