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« October Slab of the Month Entry: B.C.Steelhead | Main | The Ultimate Flats Boat - Just 69 million »

New Quality Waters Recommendations

The Working Group has released new recommendations from the latest phase of the BC's Skeena Angling Management Plan.

Piscatorial Pursuits has a forum thread that covers the pertinent changes.

If you want to read the latest group recommendations for yourself you can download the PDF.

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Reader Comments (4)

seems that all these sweet pics of BC Steelhead are being taken by non-resident anglers. Reading the QWS it looks like non-resident angler access is going to get more expensive and considerably more limited. . . This report does not seem a whole lot different that the previous one.

Lesson for non-residents - get out there and get your big steelies while you can.

October 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterss

I have mixed emotions about this whole scene.. But what I am 100% convinced of, is that we all need to focus our energy on saving the Skeena and its tributaries. I hope I'm not limited to 8 days per river, but there a lot of people that hope all of us non-residents are limited to a number of days. If the tables were turned, I am not sure how i would react, but I hope I'd still be more concerned with the wild fish that live in the systems then anything else.

Long live the Skeena system!!!!

October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterEl Paskador

Any time I see the phrase "World Class" I get a massive boner.

October 27, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterDick Cheney

. . . the frustrating thing about this, and the previous, plan is that they explicitly avoid any discussion of conservation. Seems this should be a key component of any "quality waters strategy." I am potentially for limiting days on the river, and would pay (if i can ever afford) to fish on quality waters, but lets make sure priorities are where they should be . . As you said, El Paskador, on wild steelhead.

October 27, 2009 | Unregistered Commenterss

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