Waiting for the Ministry
Tuesday, January 26, 2010 at 9:25AM
The long-awaited ministry response to the Skeena Quality Waters working groups recommendations should be in by the end of January, from the promised November 2009 publish date.
LINK (Via: Houston Today)
El Guapo | 15 Comments |
tagged quality waters, steelhead in Politics
Reader Comments (15)
Good bye americans..hope you enjoyed it while you could...
oh, and thanks to the boys like Fly Boys and AEG for further frustrating the locals, and increasing the hate for out of province anglers..WAY TO GO!
Part of what I like about being at the alpenhorn in october is the variety of people who are there. By and large, we're all there for the same reason, and we're all a lot the same. That said, my first day on the bulkely, I ran into swedes, austrians, italians and yanks. I met more non res aliens than residents and non res canadians combined, most unguided. While I like meeting people, as a resident, I feel that I should have priority when fishing my own waters, and the amount of use by non residents is not suatainable. Nor is it always a pleasurable experience. Too many people on the water detract from the experience I like to have while steelheading. We'll see what changes come to be...
It seems like they could use some Beaverhead style restrictions and solve a lot of problems without kicking people out. Certain resident only days and an annual day limit seems like more reasonable solutions than restricting entire waterways to resident only. Besids, in that type of country, are these types of laws enforceable? Best to stick with laws that have a chance of being followed.
And yet Kris couldn't catch a thing....maybe not the guy who should be speakin about steelhead experience
you dont come to my province and i wont come to yours. we are all visitors from some were.
protect the waters and the fish. non resident with a canadian birth certificate. bull shit have fun at the Olympics bc . did it snow yet
too bad that all of us canadians are paying for the olympics....glad we have to help foot that bill, but don't get a nod of friendship towards their rivers
Hmm, somebody hijacks my name and takes a shot at me from chum nation anonymity. Fucking weak shit. Catching steelhead might not be my #1 forte, but fish management sure comes in near the top. Resident priority. Period.
No one is being banned, if you had read the proposed regulations you would know that.
If you like fishing here so much why not move here? Steelhead are a provincially regulated fish, get over it.
'Giving' us non-BC residents two days a week to fish on such rivers as the Zym, is as close to banning as you can get.
In a few years, it will be a full ban.
Have your provincial fish, but then don't come begging the other provinces for money when you guys go into billions dollars of debt cause the joke called the olympics
I don't know why I have such a hard time catching steelhead, especially after i say they're easy, and how any joe can catch them. Perhaps i need a guide
Oh, and I'm a pro at fish management, though I don't have a degree..
Hmmmmm. Somebody's really tough behind a keyboard. Fuck I love the internet!
you can keep your fish....If it wasn't for the states, your country would be a third world nation.
Canada, the Great White Mexico.............
We could debate the proposed regulations or just continue cheap shots that aren't really conducive to anything other than angering resident anglers.
See you guys on the river, or not, I don't really care.