Entries in pool 32 (5)
Pool 32 Magazine
The latest issue of Pool 32 Mag is live.
In addition to the great destination photography and artist profiles of AD Maddox and Mike Savlen, this issue leads off with a piece by Wild Steelhead Coalition trustee Bob Margolis titled, "Yes We Can." Backed by the inspiring photography of Jeff Bright, Bob's spells out what's at stake in the fight for wild steelhead.
Pool 32
Another day, another e-zine post. Set aside some time as this issue is MEATY, 400 plus pages. Along with the usual breadth of great photography, this issue includes some amazing artwork by Paul Vecsei and a Bristol Bay piece by new Dad Sam Snyder.
Bang the image to view.
Pool 32
134 pages with a world full of cyber fly fishing and other "fishy stuff". Pool 32 will be published four times a year and can be downloaded by anyone, anywhere on the planet.