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Pool 32


134 pages with a world full of cyber fly fishing and other "fishy stuff".


Pool 32 will be published four times a year and can be downloaded by anyone, anywhere on the planet.


The Pool 32 blog.

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Reader Comments (23)

The buttons on the magazine keep screwing up on my MAC?

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNomadAnglers

Seems like more and more of these online "mags" are creeping up every day, and honestly, that was probably the worst attempt i've seen to date. It's almost like the author/editor took a shoebox of snapshots, created a MyPublisher book of his favorite trips to keep on his coffee table, and decided to share it with the world. With the exception of a few photos, the rest of the pics and the writing is not engaging and I'd be shocked if anyone "advertises" in it. Don't waste your time.

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMustLoveBacon

Lots, and lots, and lots of dead fish. I thought Europe was ahead of NA when it comes to C&R....guess not! The language barrier is annoying. When I read a published mag, I want proper prose and grammar, a flowing sentence and some artfully constructed thoughts on the subject matter. All in all, poorly done. Any joker with a Canon Rebel XTI and some time and money on his hands could produce the same, or better, product. I had also hoped for a little more in depth writing on Slovenia/Austria. Until I reached that bit, I had written it off almost entirely. After I finished it and clicked to the blog to get 'more' of the story, all I saw were the same pictures and not much else for writing. I wrote it off completely after that. It makes for decent blog material, but not for great magazine material. Too many dead fish :(

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkm

ya right off i could not help but start counting dead fish. then i lost count. was certainly not on par with some of our yankee digi mags. but i have no qualms with all the new online efforts. what's to loose? they are free and some will always be better or worse than the others, so bring em!

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfishbite

As someone who grew up in Norway, I can testify to the amazing fly fishing found in Scandinavia.

You guys above..stop your bitching and complaining about dead fish. I guess you guys don't eat fish?? The rivers that are shown are sustainably managed, which is more than I can say about many rivers in the US.

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDax Xanos

I'd rather not stop complaining about dead fish. A fish that busted its way out of the gravel and fought a million elements for survival doesn't deserved to be bashed in the face by some goober with too many loop rods. And no, I don't eat fish. Nice try with the hypocrite card though!

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkm

km, are you kidding me...I'd love to hear an explanation on why killing a fish is bad if you are eating it???

I'll be willing to bet you eat pork, beef or perhaps chicken...if you think knocking a Salmon on the head is bad, you should see how those animals are treated.

Get a grip on reality. If you are so concerned about the fish...why not stop fishing!

and...WTF does "too many Loop rods" have to do with anything???

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDax Xanos

I thought the dead photography was more disturbing than the dead fish.

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfishlikehell

Dax Xanos,

This attitude comes from, and is perpetuated by, people that have utterly desecrated their local runs of anadromous fish. It is difficult for them to understand that there may be other fisheries managed in such a way that sustainable harvest of fish is not only possible but a reality. They extrapolate their ideas of proper ethics and conservation (ha, laughable, really) to all other fisheries since it boggles their mind that, even after two centuries of angling, there are still viable runs of fish for harvest...when it took them less than 50 years to bring their runs of fish to near extinction.

Ignore them. Their ignorance is not worth your time.

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterechinsu_ocha

I dont want to get in the middle of the catch and relese debate with all concerned but the custom hand made fish bonker is a little tasteless!!!

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterreally!!!

I want to know who decided it was okay to do an early release picture of our new fish head whacker that we were not going to premier until August 13th, 2010. Sincerely G Loomis Advertising Dipshits

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterG Loomis

Everyone needs to shut their mouth about bonking fish. Every god damn post turns into a catch and release debate. If you like to eat them and the fishery can sustain it, bonk away. If it can't, there will be laws put in place to guard against said action. Stupid ass steelheadin purists A holes on this site. Why don't you do something to help your precious fish instead of ripping hooks into their mouths while they are trying to get laid, and writing about it on this blog. Perhaps take a walk with Alexandra Morton and put your money where your mouth is.

preach on echinsu_ocha

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterHerb

Haha, yeah, we really decimated fish runs in northern BC. Only some of the healthiest fisheries in the world. I like that everyone has blind faith in regulation, like there haven't been massive fuck ups in the past, or bad science, or paid under the table biologists. As long as it's legal, right man? Keep that blind faith, never questioning your own actions, or wondering why, who, or what. Just keep marching to that it's OK because it's legal drum. No, I try not to eat any of that crap you mentioned either. I try to shoot my own critters. Go ahead, give me a tear for that while you're at 'er. In the history of fisheries management, there has never been a sustainable kill fishery for anadromous salmonids. All anadromous salmonid kill fisheries have resulted in stock decline or collapse. And I'm not talking about commercial fisheries. The life history strategy can't support increased mortality in the adult stage. It's not a joke, it's the truth. but keep pounding that IT'S LEGAL drum..... I'll never understand people who have blind faith in an ideal, and never question things. As soon as you think you have the answer to something, question it.

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkm

Haha km,

You will kill other animals but not a fish. You dick are a dick!

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterblah

Where did I say I won't kill a fish? And further to above. Shut up, assholes. It's a post about a new online mag. I didn't think it was great. So I said that. If you don't like it, or take offense to it, too effin bad!

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterkm

Km... You aren't too bright are you. It's ok.

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDax Xanos

Ya, Dax, km isnt too bright.

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterechinsu_ocha

" In the history of fisheries management, there has never been a sustainable kill fishery for anadromous salmonids. All anadromous salmonid kill fisheries have resulted in stock decline or collapse"

I was with you till I read this KM. Just not true. I thought the mag sucked though.

April 27, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterThe blue bomber

I fish for anadromous salmonids with hand grenades...magazine needs work. Everyone has gotten grumpy as fuck on this blog.

April 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterpleeth

weaksauce. all around. not a magazine.

read the first few comments and try to learn something.

internet fights are a waste of time. the same tendencies you have to want to engage in one is why the "magazine" is so poorly done.

it's not about you, if you are making something for other people to read or look at, listen to what they have to say even if it's not what you want to hear. You've got lots of work to do so instead of lurking here with your pals throwing stones about C&R, taking a writing class or read a book about publishing.

Some of the photos are really nice. Now figure out how to tell a story with them in a way that is more interesting then a little photobook that are a dime a dozen these days. Also match your typography to your subject matter. the font you are using is better suited for a children's story or a comic book.

oh and one more thing, please don't preach about conservation policies when the last few pages of you your "magazine" are filled with photos of your oceans sludge.

now get to work.

April 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterthinkaboutit

I hope your smart-guy rant isnt directed at me. Personally I think this 'magazine' is utter garbage (though some of the images--particularly Slovenia--were familiar and bring back some memories of good times) in the same vein as all these other online mags like that Camping in the Dirt one, etc.

As to your last, or second to last, paragraph...point taken. The difference, however, is that there are still fish...lots of fish.

April 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterechinsu_ocha


I am the publisher of Pool 32 Mag.
I stumbled over all of your "colorful" comments regarding my e-mag Pool 32 Mag.
And I just want to say that I have had a really, really positive response so far, and that I am of course very grateful for.
But when that is said, i know I have a lot to learn, I'm not Brian O - by far!!! :O).
All I try to do is bring some fly fishing photo stories, combined with some environmental issues, if that one day makes it possible to donate some money, to some serious conservation projects - well then I would be a very happy person.
We live in a complex world with a lot of problems - one of them is how this planet looks in 10-20 years, to me that is a scary perspective (highly relevant - the oil pollution that is going on in the Mexican Gulf), but hey that is just me right, and I just a little fish in a very big ocean. At leat I can say that tried to make a difference - what did you do??

Regarding layout, spelling, picture quality - it is very bad I agree, but it is free, and it is also made on a very, very low budget, simply because we have to start somewhere, very simple.

I hope you all will enjoy our next issue og Pool 32 Mag - just a tiny little bit :O)
- and I promise to try to improve Pool 32 Mag on all aspects in the future - even though my english sucks!! :O)

"Fly fishing isn't just a sport
- it's a state of mind!!"
.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸ )><((((º>

April 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark W

PS. I nearly forgot to say that I really like the the MoldyChum website :O)

Kind regards

April 30, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterMark W

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