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Entries in mcCloud river (2)


Enough is Enough 

Enough is Enough is a story about the fabled McCloud River in Northern California. This movie follows the stories of three anglers and the river they love. Follow CalTrout Conservation Director Curtis Knight, CalTrout Ambassador Craig Ballenger and McCloud River fishing guide Ron Heart on a soulful and heart felt journey into on of America's premier rivers.

Filmed by Keith Braunies and Mike E. Wier                                                                                            Editing by Keith Braunies
Produced by California Trout.


McCloud River, foot access only?

Photo: Mike Parker

According to a post by staff guide Chris Parsons on The Fly Shop's Facebook page, Mother Nature is attempting to reclaim a section of the famed McCloud River. She sent a giant boulder down a hill and placed it squarely in the middle of the road used to access the portion of the river between Ah-Di-Na and The Nature Conservancy.

Pro guide Mike Parker says there's evidence the rock will soon be blasted.

Should it be left alone, or blasted?

Check out the post and weigh in with your comments on The Fly Shop's Fbook page.